Memoirs of a Nursing Student

Monday, October 16, 2006

Our first October as Pittsburghers

I am sorry that I have not posted in a while. No great excuses. Mostly realizing how hard it is to keep up a blog. The ideas are not flowing, and the ones that come, I am afraid, would probably bore you all to death. But I did want to update everyone on how things have been going lately. My first seven weeks of classes are over! Today I started my new classes, which are Pathophysiology and Mental Health. My clinical rotation will be at Western Psychiatric Hospital on a floor of patients with schizophrenia. I wasn't really worried until our clinical instructor gave us an overview of the rules: don't reveal any personal information to the patients (understandable), cover your last names on your name tags with tape (mmm...okay), and wear gym shoes just in case you have to run (just plain scary). But plenty of nursing students have survived in the past, and I'm sure that I will fare just as well.

Blake put together a computer desk from Ikea for my computer, which has been great. It provides a little more storage space, and doesn't take up quite as much room as the table that was in its place before.

This past weekend Lisa, Drew, and the kids visited. Blake and I really enjoyed our time with them, much of which was spent dealing with car catastrophes (on Friday I was stuck in a parking garage downtown because it just wouldn't start, then Saturday one of the front tires was flat). The rest of the time we played Nertz (a card game that we're addicted to) and watched baseball (some of us more willingly then others). The kids were as cute as ever, and so much fun to play with, as always. Regardless of what we do together, time with the Mullens is always fun and refreshing. So that's October thusfar (oh yes, and my cousin Marie delievered two healthy, adorable twins!!). Hopefully I'll be more faithful to blogging for the rest of the month and beyond!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we LOVE being with you guys too. We were happy to "rescue Auntie" on Friday night! It was hard to leave, we wish it could happen more often. By the way, I had NO idea any pictures were taken. Is this the only one?

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i took about three in a row. this was the best of them. we really should have been on top of the picture taking...

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, Family together is a great blessing to be cherished. Wow, the kids are growing fast!!!

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put those kids on TV! They are just waaaaay too cute!

it's always fun to read your blog amy...keep it coming.

10:42 AM  

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