Memoirs of a Nursing Student

Friday, September 29, 2006

Still adjusting to the Pittsburgh way...

Just a couple of concerns I'd like to voice having now lived here in Pittsburgh for close to 2 months. First of all, Pittsburghers think that I have an accent. I've had at least three people ask if I'm from Minnesota. And the rest are just curious as to where I am from, since I have such a "thick accent". The funny thing is, I think they all sound pretty normal. It troubles me. And my second concern has to do with some ill-designed traffic lanes. I can't tell you how many times I've been driving along, enjoying whichever David Gray album is in the CD player, only to realize that, without warning, my lane has turned into a "left turn only" or "right turn only" lane. On the ride home from the hospital, I am often forced to turn onto some unknown street, suddenly finding myself lost in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. It makes me very anxious, since I now am constantly worried about whether or not I should be in the other lane. I miss those Michigan lefts. Don't get me wrong, I still love Pittsburgh and its friendly residents, but I guess I'm just a Michigander at heart.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to Pennsylvania driving.

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say, you are on quite the adventure. With so many new adjustments you certainly can say that life is busy.

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lancaster is the same way and I still can't get used to it!!! They love "Right turn only" lanes...they're everywhere!!At least here when I end up in a right only lane and I have to turn its not too far to get back on the road. It happened to me in Pittsburgh and I turned and it was 1/2 hour before I could get back onto the original road. All the roads were one way and I went up a mountain and over a river before there was a chance to turn around!!!

7:26 PM  

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