Memoirs of a Nursing Student

Thursday, September 28, 2006

We're going to Maine!

Yesterday I found out that my family is planning a trip to Maine next August to celebrate my graduation from nursing school (hopefully!!). I have a feeling they would have used any excuse to plan the trip. But it really does give me something to look forward to after a year of not venturing very far outside of the Pittsburgh area. One of the exciting things about this particular trip is that it will be Blake's first time in Maine. I think that I actually may be more excited about him going than he is. He's not much of a camper, but I'm determined to change his mind. And after experiencing my emotions over this next year, I'm pretty sure he'll be able to handle anything! So I've included some pictures from some of our past trips, just to give you a glimpse of where we go and what we do while we're there (lots of relaxing and eating!).

But until August 4th (the official graduation date) I have quite a bit to experience. Today was a pretty good day at the hospital. I had a patient who was alert and oriented, able to vocalize what she needed, and very kind. I spent much of the day emptying her bedside commode, but I am happy as long as I am busy. She was very thankful, as was her roommate, who put me to use even though I wasn't assigned to her. At least I got a little experience working with more than one patient (which still sounds difficult at this point). After lunch we attended a conference about Professional Liability Laws. It was interesting, but pretty much convinced me that someone will sue me at some point in my career. Regardless, it was a good day at the hospital. Hopefully tomorrow will follow suit!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No pictures of you eating lobster?

12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think such a picture exists (and I don't think it ever will)!

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay pictures!

6:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful not to jump into any "pole infested" waters while there....isn't there a painful Amy story about that?! Or am I just crazy? Oh and if Blake doesn't want to go with you all, I'd be more than happy to take his place!
Once again,this is Heidi and I am an incompetant blogger - how do you get your name to show up on these things?

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, Heidi. Let me try to guide you through this. After you write your comment, you can scroll down a bit and it give you the option of checking "Blogger", "Other", or "Anonymous". Click "other". Then you can put your name in where it says "name", and you don't have to fill anything in for "your web page". Then just do the word verification and publish your comment. At this point, I assume that it's you when I see anonymous, so even if you don't figure it out, I'll know who it is!!

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Blake can handle camping with all of us before he even knew any of us, AND survive our canoe trip in the thunderstorm, he'll be more than fine with your family! If you need extra support (and a couple more kids) we'll go too :o)

12:35 PM  

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