Memoirs of a Nursing Student

Saturday, September 23, 2006

One Point Five Months In/Ten Point Five Months to Go

I've decided to start a blog to recount my experiences in nursing school. Everyday, so many new and interesting things happen (well, most days). But I've found that as the days pass, these experiences fade into my bad memory, and are lost and gone forever. So I want to share as many as I can with those who are willing to listen. If you're willing to listen, I'm excited to share! And I'm going to share everything, so be prepared for some "interesting" stories (i.e. gross, sad, happy, frustrating...everything).

As of right now, my daily activities in the hospital include providing bed baths and taking vitals. While these may sound like easy tasks, they are rather difficult for novices like me. My first few patients were all unable to do anything for themselves, so bathing each and every one of them was a learning experience. And I still look back and worry about the patient whose teeth I forgot to brush, or the catheter that I didn't clean properly, or that blood pressure that I had to take 3 times and still didn't get an accurate reading. But all the patients have been patient with me (they have also all had dementia, so it may just be that they weren't fully aware of what was going on).

I have been able to do some more interesting things though. Like follow a body down to the morgue, and spend a couple hours shadowing an ER nurse. At this point, I've remained upright and conscious through the insertion of IV's and PIC lines, and the dressing changes on at least three amputated toes (we are on a floor with many diabetic patients).

Thusfar, it's been a good, motivating experience. I have had frustrating days, but I am still excited for the day I can call myself a nurse.

Hopefully I will keep this blog updated. There will be many busy days, but there will also be many experiences to share. And I look forward to sharing them with you all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good idea Amy! I love knowing your experiences and reading people stories.You can re-read your experiences as you go along and see how much you have progressed.

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was someone taking the body to the morgue or was it just kind of heading there itself?

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am always wondering what you are up to, but do such a bad job at letting you know that I am thinking of you. I am looking forward to getting a glimpse into your crazy life!

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops! "Anonymous" looks so stalker like. I just have never posted on a blog before. That last post was Heidi :)And so is this one!

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy, I am delighted to have this contact with you. I often wonder how you are doing and yet I do not call or email. So, this is a good way for me to respond to you also. You sound happy with nursing and I'm proud of you and your determination. Keep up the good work.

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very interesting.....Nurse Amy :)

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the gross stories coming on the blog...maybe that way you can spare Blake. I know he really doesn't do "gross."

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurray Amy! You're going to be an awesome nurse :) I have a sore throat, can you come over and fix it for me?

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This really is going to be my outlet for "gross stories" since I have a husband who is less than willing to hear. But he's been so supportive, I definitely can't complain. And Megan, I would love to help you out, but unless you need a bed bath or your blood pressure taken, I don't have a lot to offer you right now!!

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is great to read and be able to keep up with your life there- we miss you in Michigan! Laura

6:48 PM  

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