Memoirs of a Nursing Student

Monday, December 18, 2006

For a while now I've been trying to become "Runner Amy" again. I have tried and failed too many times to account for. Yet, I'm trying again. With my quickly approaching busy 2007 school schedule, I am not sure how feasible my hopes are of running again. But I do know that I always feel so much better when I'm doing it consistently. I am sharing this with the hope that I will now have some accountability, and will feel more pressure to keep it up. I will attempt to share my progresses in this area, and you all can feel free to make me feel bad when I am not running enough, and make me feel good when I am!

P.S. I ran today! For the first time in months.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Well, apparently I failed to take pictures after we left the Murray's house on Friday. So these are the pictures from our "weekend". I'm just glad we actually remembered to take pictures of the babies (and cousin Sam)! That's Kasia on the left with me, then Sam. And Moira to the right. Aren't they cute!

Monday, December 11, 2006

We just returned from an very fun and exhausting weekend in Detroit. I want to post some pictures, but they're on Blake's camera and I'm not quite sure how to get them onto the computer. If I tried, I'd probably break either his camera or his computer since I tend to break anything electronic. So I will post pictures as soon as he gets home from work. Anyway, we really, really enjoyed our time, and appreciate the Meagher's sharing their home with us. In 2 quick days, we caught up with the Murrays and Balcerskis, partied with friends from church, visited the Bandrowskis, ran into some of my former co-workers at the mall, and felt like super stars while being mobbed by a group of junior highers in the church parking lot (I have to admit, I was on the outside of that mob...Blake was definitely the star). And of course, spent some quality time with the Meaghers. It was a great weekend! And to top it off, I am done with my last case study presentation (which essentially means I don't have to speak in front of a group for quite a while) and our pathophysiology final is going to be open book! I am so, unbelievably close to Christmas break!! Oh, and congratulations are in order to my brother-in-law Drew who is now done with nursing school and can move onto a career in the ER. I'm jealous.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

We're headed to the Detroit
area this weekend for
our first Christmas party
this season! The old bible
study gang is getting together
for our annual Christmas
bash. Blake and I are really
excited to catch up with
everyone. And on top of that,
I only 1.5 weeks of school
left until Christmas vacation.
Things are looking up!