Okay everyone, with a new year comes big changes. I have started a new blog that I want you all to visit. I just like the location better, and wanted to start fresh. Join me over at...
Okay everyone, with a new year comes big changes. I have started a new blog that I want you all to visit. I just like the location better, and wanted to start fresh. Join me over at...
For a while now I've been trying to become "Runner Amy" again. I have tried and failed too many times to account for. Yet, I'm trying again. With my quickly approaching busy 2007 school schedule, I am not sure how feasible my hopes are of running again. But I do know that I always feel so much better when I'm doing it consistently. I am sharing this with the hope that I will now have some accountability, and will feel more pressure to keep it up. I will attempt to share my progresses in this area, and you all can feel free to make me feel bad when I am not running enough, and make me feel good when I am!
We just returned from an very fun and exhausting weekend in Detroit. I want to post some pictures, but they're on Blake's camera and I'm not quite sure how to get them onto the computer. If I tried, I'd probably break either his camera or his computer since I tend to break anything electronic. So I will post pictures as soon as he gets home from work. Anyway, we really, really enjoyed our time, and appreciate the Meagher's sharing their home with us. In 2 quick days, we caught up with the Murrays and Balcerskis, partied with friends from church, visited the Bandrowskis, ran into some of my former co-workers at the mall, and felt like super stars while being mobbed by a group of junior highers in the church parking lot (I have to admit, I was on the outside of that mob...Blake was definitely the star). And of course, spent some quality time with the Meaghers. It was a great weekend! And to top it off, I am done with my last case study presentation (which essentially means I don't have to speak in front of a group for quite a while) and our pathophysiology final is going to be open book! I am so, unbelievably close to Christmas break!! Oh, and congratulations are in order to my brother-in-law Drew who is now done with nursing school and can move onto a career in the ER. I'm jealous.
As you all have noticed, I changed things up a bit. I was getting bored of the old background. I'm going to give this one a trial run. It may change again very soon!